Q1: What is ScrapTracker?
A: ScrapTracker is a system which creates a data file or “roll map” associated with each roll of material manufactured, processes or printed.  The data file contains all the information about the locations and types of any defects within the roll.

Q2: How does ScrapTracker work?
ScrapTracker uses the AF2 WebFlagger to apply flags with unique ID numbers.  The flags are pre-printed with a number and corresponding bar code.  When a flag is signaled to be applied, the flag ID is recorded along with the type of defect and its location within the roll.

Q3: Who can benefit from ScrapTracker?
A: A large cross-section of converters and printers can benefit from ScrapTracker.  From our research we’ve concluded almost ninety percent of manufacturers have some type of procedure for the marking of defects.  Many keep a manual log used in the next process for identifying and/or removing the defects.  ScrapTracker creates a defect log or “roll map” automatically in the form of a data file which can be stored on a plant LAN or printed.

Q4: What practical uses are there for a Roll Map?
A: A roll map is used in a subsequent process to help identify the type of defect to be inspected and/or removed.  A digital roll map can also be used to create custom reports for scrap.  Reports such as total amounts of scrap, scrap by machine, shift, month, etc. can be generated.  These reports allow a quality control department easy access to this valuable data used for process improvement and scrap reduction programs.

Q5: How does ScrapTracker compare with existing roll mapping systems?
A: Perhaps the largest issue roll-mapping systems struggle with is to be sure the roll’s data file is always “synchronized” to the actual roll. Often a roll may have a number of wraps of damaged material cut off as it is loaded onto the unwind of the next process.  Or maybe only part of the roll will be processed and the rest will be returned to inventory for use at a later date.

Since ScrapTracker utilizes the AF2 WebFlagger to apply a real, pressure sensitive flag to web as the information is recorded.  Each flag has a unique ID which is read and correlated to the data stored.  Therefore no matter how much material has been removed from a roll, for whatever reason, RollCode can always recover by reading any flag’s ID and “resynchronizing” the remainder or the roll to the stored data.

Q6: Can ScrapTracker be installed by the user?
A: Yes.  The system is designed to be user installed and configured.  However, engineering start-up assistance is available at prevailing rates.

Q9: Where is ScrapTracker manufactured and how is it supported?
All our products are manufactured in our plant in Bethlehem, PA USA and supported by our own in-house technical and engineering staff.


We’re here to answer your questions, or help you with sales, service, or a quote. Contact us today.